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 Próba akció szövege ANGOL
H-8380 Hévíz, Kodály Zoltán u. 5.
Tel./fax: +36-83-610-709

Lagúna Apartman Lagúna Apartman Lagúna Apartman


About the apartments

H-8380 Hévíz, Kodály Zoltán u. 5.
Tel: 00-36-83-610-709
The Appertement Lagoon situated in one of the most beautiful strets of Hévíz, 
from 700 m far from the Thermal Lake. Our house waits with all claim satisfying, well-equipped appertements
for the guests, who would like to relax and recover in Hévíz.
Our guests can from more , in measurement price different appartements.
We are waiting for you affectionately!
Lagúna Apartman Hévíz
Studio I.-II. appartement
Lagúna Apartman HÉVÍZ Lagúna Apartman HÉVÍZ
 with balcony, for  2 Persons


Lagúna Apartman Hévíz
Lagúna Apartman Hévíz
Komfort appartement
Air condition

Lagúna Apartman HÉVÍZLagúna Apartman HÉVÍZ 

     with balcony, for 2-3-4 Persons


Lagúna Apartman Hévíz
 Appartement with 3 bedroom
Air condition

Lagúna Apartman HÉVÍZLagúna Apartman HÉVÍZ 

         with balcony,for 2 -4- 6 Persons


Lagúna Apartman Hévíz
Orange appartement
Air condition
From the big balcony there is nice view of the landscape

Lagúna Apartman HÉVÍZ Lagúna Apartman HÉVÍZLagúna Apartman HÉVÍZ

                       for 2-3 Persons



Lagúna Apartman Hévíz 

Our guests can leave their car in closed parking place. 

Further service: 

  • massege
  • fly with Balaton Balloning
  • ticket to the Thermal Lake with discount
  • program office
  • rent a bike
  •   lake Balaton 5km
  • lake angler Zalacsány 6km




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